Hitting the road again and a desperate cry for help

I’m preparing for the last away bout of the year. Well that’s the plan. I’m preparing with a bottle of Innis and Gunn. Just to get in the mood. I’m looking forward to a decent pint of Deuchers, 60/- or 80/-.

I have to get my priorities right. I think the camera is in the bag with all necessary gear. In a fit of paranoia I will check again. But not until tomorrow. I travel light nowadays so there’s not much to check. I realised many years ago that I could pack all essentials for life in a small bag. A camera, a pencil and that would probably be about it.

The cry for help is not that desperate. And not really a cry, just a rallying call. To expand the scope of the exhibition I’m holding in November I am looking for input from skaters from leagues around the country for quotes, what Derby means to them, text I can fit around the images to give a greater sense of the scene to non-derby visitors.

The only quote I have received so far has been, ‘Do it for Jesus’. It makes sense. Well, coming from the person who said it. I’d have added, baby, just because.

So if anyone has anything they want to say email me. It’d be good to have some input apart from my own inane ramblings.

Right, back to the beer it’s going to be a long day tomorrow.


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